a heem heem whimper

play OFF by Mortis Ghost

Behold: my Stream Of Consciousness as I figure out how all this stuff works

begone, foul placeholder text

when will Penelope the Neocities Tutorial Kitty Cat teach me how to make things colorful
i want to be blue

update: i have become the blue screen of death
fear me

i am so sorry if this hurts your eyeballs

and also how to make spaces between paragraphs would be nice

scratch that, I have figured it out
br go brr

ew the site linked to learn CSS has an ugly banner for an AI chatbot right at the top
thank you uBlock Origin's Block Element Feature

i just want to know what color options there are

do i need a Hex Code? or is there an easy shortcut word
something other than just straight Blue at Full Saturation

Hex Code works at the very least
and I understand enough of it off the top of my head to get a pretty blue

one that doesn't sear your retinas

got sidetracked. couldn't figure out how to get Comic Sans Font, but Papyrus works.
I have located Sans
this is not at all cursive it is Sans Undertale
